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Home •
15.November 2019
Karlsruhe - November, 15th 2019 - TopWare Interactive and Reality Pump Studios are excited to announce the continuation of their award-winning Two Worlds II saga with the final single player part, "Shattered Embrace", set for... »
20.April 2019
Karlsruhe - April, 19 2019 - TopWare Interactive and Reality Pump Studios are thrilled to announce the epic conclusion to the Two Worlds II saga with this all new adventure, "Shattered Embrace", ... »
3. December 2018
Gorky 17 Digital Deluxe DLC and Original Soundtrack now avaialable as download and on Steam! ... »
23.August 2018
Karlsruhe - August, 23 2018 - TopWare Interactive and Reality Pump Studios are excited to announce the continuation of their award-winning Two Worlds series with an all new multiplayer adventure, "Echoes of the Dark Past 2", set... »

Upcoming projects

Two Worlds II: Shattered Embrace
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